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Acupuncture is a safe, effective, and ancient practice that encompasses the use of fine, sterile needles at specific acupuncture point sites to treat disharmonies in the body. This whole person approach works with the body’s inherent self-healing mechanisms by eliciting a regulating response from your autonomic nervous system. It can decrease inflammation or pain in the body. It supports digestive health, immune function, circulation, endocrine function, healthy metabolism, and healthy sleep. It works as a preventative/maintenance medicine, and it also works to treat acute and chronic ailments.
Some of the common conditions acupuncture can address:
-Autoimmune Disorders
-Cancer Symptoms
-Digestive Disorders
-Musculoskeletal Pain
-Postpartum Symptoms
-Pregnancy Symptoms
-Psychoemotional Disorders
Some of the common conditions acupuncture can address:
-Autoimmune Disorders
-Cancer Symptoms
-Digestive Disorders
-Musculoskeletal Pain
-Postpartum Symptoms
-Pregnancy Symptoms
-Psychoemotional Disorders
Cupping involves the use of glass or plastic “cups” that are placed on specific sites on your body. These cups create a vacuum through the use of heat or suction and, thereby, stimulate the flow of blood and qi to the area. Patients generally report that cupping feels like a deep massage. Cupping can loosen adhesions and revitalize connective tissue. The suction usually creates a superficial circular bruise, as a result of stagnated blood and qi moving to the surface. The greater the stagnation of qi and blood, the more obvious the discoloration of the ecchymosis. This is a temporary and normal response that will disappear within a few days, as cupping and gua sha increase cellular turnover via the immune system.
Cupping is helpful for:
-Muscle pain
-Generalized inflammation in muscle and fascial connective tissue
-A productive cough
-Immune boosting
Cupping is helpful for:
-Muscle pain
-Generalized inflammation in muscle and fascial connective tissue
-A productive cough
-Immune boosting
Gua sha or "spooning" is a painless, relaxing therapy used to release tension and promote blood flow to specific areas. Similar to cupping, gua sha usually leaves some residual redness or "sha." It is the same superficial bruising (subcutaneous ecchymosis) that occurs with cupping, except that it is not contained within a circle. Unlike deeper bruises with which we are most familiar, the "sha" or ecchymosis from gua sha is superficial and fades within 2-4 days. Instead of cups, a Gua sha tool creates more of a gentle scraping and feels like a massage.
Gua Sha is great for:
-Muscle and joint pain
-Immune boosting
Gua Sha is great for:
-Muscle and joint pain
-Immune boosting
Acupressure involves therapeutic touch, massage, and pressure on prescribed acupuncture points. Amma is a powerful bodywork therapy that involves gentle massage in order to balance the meridian system.
Acupressure is recommended for:
-Stress and Anxiety.
-Sensory Processing Disorders.
-Autism Spectrum Disorders.
-Anxiety Disorders.
-Those who are nervous about needles.
Acupressure is recommended for:
-Stress and Anxiety.
-Sensory Processing Disorders.
-Autism Spectrum Disorders.
-Anxiety Disorders.
-Those who are nervous about needles.
Acupuncture is a safe and very effective treatment for Pediatric issues. It is becoming increasingly common as both a preventative medicine as well as an alternative to antibiotics, other pharmaceuticals, or more invasive procedures. Contrary to what one might expect, children enjoy visiting their acupuncturist, and parents often report that their children remind them to make appointments!
At Applepuncture, we use the thinnest needles available when treating children. Treatment may also involve dietary counseling as well as lifestyle counseling and homework. Parents accompany their child in the acupuncture treatment room. Children's reactions to acupuncture are quite unlike their reactions to immunizations because they do not feel much from acupuncture needles.
Applepuncture can effectively help your child with:
-Autism Spectrum Disorder
-Back Pain
-Cerebral Palsy
-Common Cold
-Digestive Disorders
-Emotional/Behavioral Issues
-Failure to Thrive and
Growth Delay
-Headaches and Migraines
-Hormonal Disorders
-Immune Disorders
-Lyme Disease Symptoms
-Neurological Disorders
-Poor Appetite
-Sensory Processing Disorder
-Sinus Issues
At Applepuncture, we use the thinnest needles available when treating children. Treatment may also involve dietary counseling as well as lifestyle counseling and homework. Parents accompany their child in the acupuncture treatment room. Children's reactions to acupuncture are quite unlike their reactions to immunizations because they do not feel much from acupuncture needles.
Applepuncture can effectively help your child with:
-Autism Spectrum Disorder
-Back Pain
-Cerebral Palsy
-Common Cold
-Digestive Disorders
-Emotional/Behavioral Issues
-Failure to Thrive and
Growth Delay
-Headaches and Migraines
-Hormonal Disorders
-Immune Disorders
-Lyme Disease Symptoms
-Neurological Disorders
-Poor Appetite
-Sensory Processing Disorder
-Sinus Issues
Applepuncture specializes in fertility (including IVF transfer acupuncture), pregnancy, and postpartum care.
Acupuncture is great for:
-Fertility support (male and female, natural and IVF)
-Morning sickness
-Migraines and headaches
-Musculoskeletal pain
-Sleep disturbance
-Labor induction
-Breech baby
-Postpartum recovery
Acupuncture is great for:
-Fertility support (male and female, natural and IVF)
-Morning sickness
-Migraines and headaches
-Musculoskeletal pain
-Sleep disturbance
-Labor induction
-Breech baby
-Postpartum recovery
There are over 200 auricular acupuncture/acupressure points. These points can help with many common health issues, such as:
A trigger point is a very tight knot in muscle tissue that causes a specific referral pattern of pain. For example, if you and your friend both have trigger points in your splenius capitus muscles, you will both have pain at the very top of your head because that is the specific referral pattern for that muscle. Acupuncturists, who are trained in Trigger Point Therapy, can release these knots using a special needling technique. Many patients, who are on the edge of getting surgery, do not realize their pain is coming from a group of trigger points. This therapy is truly a lifesaver for such patients and for athletes.
Trigger Point Therapy is recommended for:
-Muscle spasms with referred pain patterns.
-Athletic maintenance and injury prevention.
Trigger Point Therapy is recommended for:
-Muscle spasms with referred pain patterns.
-Athletic maintenance and injury prevention.
Moxibustion involves the use of mugwort (artemisia vulgaris), an herb that is thought to have both a chemical and thermal impact when lit upon acupuncture points. Moxa helps build Qi and Blood. It has been shown to increase immune function and increase anti-inflammatory cytokine and antibody production.
Moxibustion is used:
-When an individual presents with a lot of Cold and/or Dampness in the system.
-To treat pain related to swelling.
-To turn a breech baby.
-To boost the immune system.
-To build energy in a system that is very deficient or tired.
Moxibustion is used:
-When an individual presents with a lot of Cold and/or Dampness in the system.
-To treat pain related to swelling.
-To turn a breech baby.
-To boost the immune system.
-To build energy in a system that is very deficient or tired.
Electroacupuncture or “estim” is traditional acupuncture with the application of mild, pulsating, electric current to the acupuncture needles. Acupuncturists use estim when a patient’s condition would benefit from prolonged needle stimulation at specific indicated acupuncture sites (for example, Pericardium 6 for nausea) or for areas of soft tissue injury or nerve damage. For example, we might use estim to promote stroke recovery.
Electric Stimulation (aka e-stim) is great for:
-Stroke Recovery
-Labor Induction
Electric Stimulation (aka e-stim) is great for:
-Stroke Recovery
-Labor Induction
Chinese herbal medicine is part of the larger healing system Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which also includes Acupuncture, Medical Qi Gong, Cupping and Gua Sha, and Dietary Counseling. Prescribed herbal formulas assist in restoring harmony between opposing forces of energy - Yin and Yang - that run through invisible channels in the body.
We use herbs:
-To support the acupuncture treatment when an internal organ treatment is indicated.
We use herbs:
-To support the acupuncture treatment when an internal organ treatment is indicated.
Applepuncture offers mobile group acupuncture for parties and events. The acupuncture takes place in zero gravity chairs or upon yoga mats.
Want to Speak with an Acupuncturist?
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